Version History

Below is a compilation of the changes included in the versions that we have released during the current year in XSales® Mobility.

The purpose of this information is to allow you to know the changes made and the release date of each of the versions, with the idea of improving your experience through each release.

This documentation is solely and exclusively to be utilized by clients, allies, related parties and collaborators of XSales® Mobility. Any other use is not authorized.

In the case of requiring any additional details about the version history, you must request it in writing to XSales® Mobility. The request is subject to the feasibility of generating it and the payment of professional services necessary to produce the additional details.

Version 4.4.1 ALK July 31, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Database query window.
  • Adjustments in Reports.

Version 4.4.1 ALJ July 30, 2024

  • Adjustments to Report 394 – Sales Effectiveness.

Version 4.4.1 ALI July 26, 2024

  • Adjustments to Report 094 – Sales Effectiveness.

Version 4.4.1 ALH July 25, 2024

  • Adjustments to the Visit Plans functionality.

Version 4.4.1 ALG July 24, 2024

  • Adjustments to Survey Reporting.

Version 4.4.1 ALF July 23, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments to the Survey Module.

Version 4.4.1 ALE July 22, 2024

  • Report Adjustments.

Version 4.4.1 AML July 22, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.

Version 4.4.1 ALC July 17, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Multibranch window.

Version 4.4.1 ALB July 08, 2024

  • Adjustments to the Survey Report.

Version 4.4.1 ALA July 17, 2024

  • Adjustment to Report 324 – Accounts Receivable.

Version 4.4.1 AKZ July 16, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.

Version 4.4.1 AKY July 08, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments to the Survey Module.

Version 4.4.1 AKX July 15, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.

Version 4.4.1 AKW July 12, 2024

  • Technical Settings.
  • XSales® Maps Monitor Module Settings.

Version 4.4.1 AKV July 09, 2024

  • Technical Settings.
  • Settings in the Profiles and Security window.

Version 4.4.1 AKU July 08, 2024

  • Technical Settings.

Version 4.4.1 AKT July 03, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.

Version 4.4.1 AKS July 02, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKR July 02, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Report Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKQ June 27, 2024

  • Adjustments to Report 044 – Customer Ratios.


Version 4.4.1 AKP June 27, 2024

  • Adjustments to the Reports Module.


Version 4.4.1 AKO June 27, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKN June 27, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Management Summary window.


Version 4.4.1 AKM June 25, 2024

  • Adjustments to Report 091 – Visits Effectiveness.


Version 4.4.1 AKL June 18, 2024

  • Adjustments to Report 324 – Accounts Receivable.


Version 4.4.1 AKK June 17, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKJ June 14, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKI June 12, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the route configuration window.
  • Adjustments in the Payments and Deposits release window.


Version 4.4.1 AKH June 10, 2024

  • Technical Settings.
  • Label and message settings.


Version 4.4.1 AKG 06 June 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKF June 05, 2024

  • Adjustments to the Closing Day Report.


Version 4.4.1 AKE June 04, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments to the Visit Plan configuration window.
  • Adjustments in the Payments and Deposits Release window.


Version 4.4.1 AKD 03 June 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AKC May 29, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Import Console window to import the Customer Visit Plan.


Version 4.4.1 AKB May 27, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Transaction window.


Version 4.4.1 AKA May 24, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the profile and route security window.


Version 4.4.1 AJZ May 22, 2024

  • Adjustment in Delivered Products Report.


Version 4.4.1 AJY May 22, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Route Document window.


Version 4.4.1 AJX May 21, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Products window.


Version 4.4.1 AJW May 20, 2024

  • Adjustment to the Accounts Receivable Report (RPT024).


Version 4.4.1 AJV May 17, 2024

  • Adjustment to Delivered Products Report (RPT500).


Version 4.4.1 AJU May 15, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AJT May 15, 2024

  • Adjustment in Traffic Light Report.
  • Adjustment in Delivered Products Report.


Version 4.4.1 AJS May 14, 2024

  • Label adjustments.
  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AJR May 13, 2024

  • Adjustment in the Route window.
  • Adjustment in the Products window.


Version 4.4.1 AJQ May 10, 2024

  • Adjustments to the Closing Report (RPT040).
  • Adjustments to the Delivered Products Report (RPT500).


Version 4.4.1 AJP May 10, 2024

  • Adjustments to the Customer Catalogs window.


Version 4.4.1 AJO May 09, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Import Console window to import Customer Visit Plan.
  • Adjustments in Journey Summary window labels.
  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AJN May 07, 2024

  • Label settings in the Customer Catalog window.


Version 4.4.1 AJM May 06, 2024

  • Label settings in the Customer Catalog window.


Version 4.4.1 AJL April 30, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Visit Plan Customer window


Version 4.4.1 AJK April 29, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Report window “500 – Delivered Products”.


Version 4.4.1 AJJ April 29, 2024

  • Adjustments to the “315 Purchases” report window


Version 4.4.1 AJI April 26, 2024

  • Adjustments to the “Route Clone” window


Version 4.4.1 AJH April 26, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Journey Summary window
  • Label settings
  • Adjustments in the Report window “500 Delivered Products”.


Version 4.4.1 AJG April 25, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Report window “315 Purchases”.


Version 4.4.1 AJF April 25, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Catalogs window
  • Adjustments in custom report


Version 4.4.1 AJE April 23, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Improvements in the Management Summary window
  • Adjustments in custom reports
  • Adjustments in the Catalogs window


Version 4.4.1 AJD April 22, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the window for the Configuration of Documents by Routes with Electronic Invoicing


Version 4.4.1 AJC April 22, 2024

  • Technical Settings
  • Settings in the Synchronization Monitor window


Version 4.4.1 AJB April 19, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Settings in the Payment Method window


Version 4.4.1 AJA April 18, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in custom reports


Version 4.4.1 AIZ April 18, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Custom report settings


Version 4.4.1 AIY April 17, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Management Summary window


Version 4.4.1 AIX April 16, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Load Order window
  • Adjustments in custom reports


Version 4.4.1 AIW April 12, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Load Order window
  • Adjustments in the Transaction Reprocessing window
  • Adjustments in the Management Summary window


Version 4.4.1 AIV April 11, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Management Summary window
  • Adjustment of report “015 – Purchasing Report”
  • Inclusion of the Delivered Products Report


Version 4.4.1 AIS April 09, 2024

  • Adjustments in Survey Module


Version 4.4.1 AIR April 08, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments


Version 4.4.1 AIQ April 02, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments


Version 4.4.1 AIP  March 27, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Route preprint configuration window.

Version 4.4.1 AIO March 25, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Route Documents window

Version 4.4.1 AIN March 21, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments to the Survey Module

Version 4.4.1 AIM  March 20, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments to the Event Viewer window

Version 4.4.1 AIL March 19, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in the Load Order’s Administration window
  • Adjustments in the Surveys Module

Version 4.4.1 AIK March 15, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments to the Module for Maps Configurations
  • Adjustments to the Survey Module

Version 4.4.1 AIJ March 14, 2024

  • Technical Settings
  • Adjustments in the Setup window
  • Adjustments to the Survey Module

Version 4.4.1 IIA March 12, 2024

  • Technical Settings
  • Adjustments to the User Preference window
  • Incorporation of the multimedia captured in the payments in the Management Summary window.

Version 4.4.1 IAI March 08, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments to Order’s Administration window

Version 4.4.1 AIG  March 07, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Settings in the Order’s Administration window

Version 4.4.1 AIF March 05, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments in “Route Documents” window
  • Updated Graphical UI/UX of the Event Viewer window

Version 4.4.1 AIE  March 05, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments
  • Adjustments to the Order’s Administration window


Version 4.4.1 AID February 29, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AIC February 28, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the “Setup” window.
  • Settings in the Order’s Administration window.


Version 4.4.1 AIB February 23, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AIA February 22, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AHZ February 21, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AHY February 19, 2024

  • Improvements in the “Routes” window.


Version 4.4.1 AHX February 16, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Order’s Administration window of the Truck Load Order Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHW February 13, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Transaction Reprocessing window.


Version 4.4.1 AHV February 09, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Customers window.


Version 4.4.1 AHU February 08, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Translated with (free version)


Version 4.4.1 AHT  February 01, 2024

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in Survey Module.
  • Adjustments in the Customers window.


Version 4.4.1 AHS January 19, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Customers window.


Version 4.4.1 AHR January 18, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHQ January 17, 2024

  • Adjustments in the User Profile window.
  • Adjustments in the Reports menu.


Version 4.4.1 AHP January 16, 2024

  • Improvements in returns.


Version 4.4.1 AHO January 12, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Customer Visit Planning window.
  • Adjustments in the Routes window.


Version 4.4.1 AHN January 04, 2024

  • Adjustments in the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHM January 02, 2024

  • Adjustments in the User Preferences window.


Version 4.4.1 AHL December 29, 2023

  • Adjustments in the User Preferences window.


Version 4.4.1 AHK December 28, 2023

  • Enhancements to the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHJ December 21, 2023

  • Adjustments to the Release of Payments and Deposits window.


Version 4.4.1 AHI December 15, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustment of labels.


Version 4.4.1 AHH December 14, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Setting of maximum amount in the payment methods in the Customer Data window.


Version 4.4.1 AHG December 13th 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Improvements to the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHF December 11, 2023

  • Graphic UI/UX adjustments to the Survey Module.
  • Improvements in Calendar window.


Version 4.4.1 AHE December 06, 2023

  • Adjustments to the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHD 05 December 2023

  • Adjustments to save in the Survey Module.


Version 4.4.1 AHC 05 December 2023

  • Adjustments in the Calendar window.


Version 4.4.1 AHB 01 December 2023

  • Improvements in custom reports.


Version 4.4.1 AHA November 30, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Information Type window in Template.
  • Adjustments in the window to load the Client Visit Plan.
  • Adjustments in the Calendar window.
  • Adjustments in the window for the configuration of the survey questions.
  • Improvements in the Survey window.


Version 4.4.1 AGZ November 29, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Survey configuration window.


Version 4.4.1 AGY November 29, 2023

  • Adjustments in the window for downloading the SQLite files of the mobile databases of the routes.


Version 4.4.1 AGX  November 29, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Calendar window.


Version 4.4.1 AGW November 28, 2023

  • Adjustments to the process of sending notifications of commercial assets.


Version 4.4.1 AGV November 28, 2023

  • Adjustments to the Calendar window.
  • Adjustments in the Products window.


Version 4.4.1 AGU November 27, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Transfers window.


Version 4.4.1 AGT November 27, 2023

  • Adjustments to the sending of notifications of commercial assets.
  • Adjustments to the “Automatic Report Generator” process.


Version 4.4.1 AGS November 24, 2023

  • Adjustments to the Management Summary window.
  • Adjustments to the Products window.


Version 4.4.1 AGR November 21, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Survey Configuration window.


Version 4.4.1 AGQ November 20, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Surveys window.


Version 4.4.1 AGP November 17, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Surveys window.


Version 4.4.1 AGO November 15, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Release of Payments and Deposits window.


Version 4.4.1 AGN November 14, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Improvements in the Surveys window.
  • Adjustments in the User Profiles window.


Version 4.4.1 AGM November 10, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Improvements in the Surveys window for automation by range of days.
  • Adjustments in the Surveys window.


Version 4.4.1 AGL November 08, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the window for the creation of periods.
  • Adjustment in Type of Payment Information in Template.


Version 4.4.1 AGK  November 03, 2023

  • Technical adjustments to the Multimedia functionality of Customer and document Route.


Version 4.4.1 AGJ November 02, 2023

  • Improvements to the stamp photo functionality in the order.
  • Technical adjustments to the synchronization window functionality.


Version 4.4.1 AGI October 30, 2023

  • Redesign of the survey/survey module.
  • Technical adjustments to the synchronization window functionality.


Version 4.4.1 AGH October 27, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Improvements to Communications functionality.
  • Technical adjustments to the login functionality.


Version 4.4.1 AGG October 26, 2023

  • Adjustments to DEX reporting.


Version 4.4.1 AGF October 23, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments to Single Sign-On functionality.
  • Adjustments to the functionality of payment methods by customers.


Version 4.4.1 AGE October 13, 2023

  • Settings in the Setup by Route window.


Version 4.4.1 AGD October 12, 2023

Technical Adjustments.
Improvements in the Transactions window.


Version 4.4.1 AGC October 10, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustment in New Customer Report.
  • Adjustment of labels.


Version 4.4.1 AGB October 06, 2023

  • Technical Settings.
  • Adjustments in the Synchronization Monitor window.


Version 4.4.1 AGA October 06, 2023

  • Technical Settings.
  • Settings in the Routing Configuration window.


Version 4.4.1 AFZ October 02, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Improvements in the Notification functionality for sending mails.


Version 4.4.1 AFY  September 29, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Improvements in the documents by route functionality in the Clients, Clients by Route, Documents and Preprinted windows.

Version 4.4.1 AFX September 25, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Load Order Management window.

Version 4.4.1 AFW September 21, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.

Version 4.4.1 AFV  September 20, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Synchronization Monitor window.
  • Adjustments in the Payments and Deposits Release window.

Version 4.4.1 AFU  September 13, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Load Order window.
  • Adjustments in the Clone Route window.

Version 4.4.1 AFT September 06, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Settings in the Clone Route window.


Version 4.4.1 AFS August 29, 2023

  • Adjustments in report viewer.

Version 4.4.1 AFR August  29, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the functionality to configure maximum amount in orders and invoices per consuming client.

Version 4.4.1 AFQ August 25, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the Multibranch functionality.

Version 4.4.1 AFP  August 25, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the window for message configuration.

Version 4.4.1 AFO August 23, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the functionality of notifications by mail of change of status in Commercial Assets.
  • Adjustments in the functionality to configure maximum amount in orders and invoices per consumer client.
  • Adjustments in process for the automatic generation of txt files.

Version 4.4.1 AFN August 18, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the window for the configuration of documents by route.


Version 4.4.1 AFM August 15, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the mail notification functionality.

Version 4.4.1 AFL  August 13, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.
  • Adjustments in the mail notifications functionality.

Version 4.4.1 AFK August 10, 2023

  • New functionality to configure maximum amount in orders and invoices per consumer customer.
  • Technical adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AFJ August 08, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AFI August 08, 2023

  • Technical adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AFH August 04, 2023

  • New functionality – Mail status notifications on commercial assets.


Version 4.4.1 AFG July 28, 2023

  • Improvements to the message-to-route process.


Version 4.4.1 AFF July 27, 2023

  • Improvements to the process for displaying multimedia in the management summary.


Version 4.4.1 AFE July 26, 2023

  • Improvements in the process for associating documents to the Route.


Version 4.4.1 AFD July 24, 2023

  • Improvements in the process for the association of documents to the fiscal correlatives.
  • Advances in the process for the automatic generation of SFA Console reports.


Version 4.4.1 AFC July 10, 2023

  • Notifications by mail of change of status in commercial assets.
  • Creation of XSales® Payments approval window.
  • Improvements in the process for the automatic generation of SFA Console reports.


Version 4.4.1 AFB June 29, 2023

  • Improvements to the per-user authentication functionality in XSales® ERP Connector.


Version 4.4.1 AFA June 28, 2023

  • Improvements to the per-user authentication functionality in XSales® ERP Connector.


Version 4.4.1 AEZ June 27, 2023

  • Technical adjustments in the multimedia section of the “Management Summary” functionality.


Version 4.4.1 AEY June 22, 2023

  • Technical adjustments in the generation of pdf for DEX.


Version 4.4.1 AEX June 16, 2023

  • Improvements in the load order module. Incorporation of filters.
  • Technical settings of the dummy table to support special characters.


Version 4.4.1 AEW June 13, 2023

  • Label and message Adjustments.
  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AEV June 12, 2023

  • Message Adjustments.
  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AEU June 12, 2023

  • New Feature: Inclusion of rules for printing documents.
  • Technical adjustments in the definition/editing of additional information about the route.


Version 4.4.1 AET June 06, 2023

  • New Feature: Inclusion of security options for the SFA ERP Connector.


Version 4.4.1 AES June 03, 2023

  • Adjustments in the functionality of bank accounts by customers.


Version 4.4.1 AER June 1, 2023

  • Adjustments in the functionality of processing transactions.


Version 4.4.1 AEQ May 31, 2023

  • Incorporation of window for Labels.


Version 4.4.1 AEP May 30, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AEO May 26, 2023

  • Traffic Light Report Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AEN May 25, 2023

  • Improvements in the Load Order window.


Version 4.4.1 AEM May 24, 2023

  • Incorporation of Labels.


Version 4.4.1 AEL May 24, 2023

  • Traffic Light Report improvements.


Version 4.4.1 AEK May 19, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Documents window
  • Adjustments in the Setup window
  • Adjustments in the Preprints window
  • Adjustments in the Load Order window
  • Label Incorporation
  • Traffic Light Report Improvements


Version 4.4.1 AEI May 16, 2023

  • Adjustments in the window to reprocess transactions.


Version 4.4.1 AEH May 12, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Load Order window.


Version 4.4.1 AEG May 11, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Documents window.


Version 4.4.1 AEF May 4, 2023

  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 AEE May 4, 2023

  • Adjustment in the Documents by Route window.


Version 4.4.1 AED April 28, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Load order window.


Version 4.4.1 AEC April 27, 2023

  • Adjustments in the SFA Console menu display on mobile devices.


Version 4.4.1 AEB April 26, 2023

  • Adjustments in the Load Order window.


Version 4.4.1 AEA April 22, 2023

  • Adjustment in Management Summary window.
  • Adjust filters for route search in reports.


Version 4.4.1 ADZ April 18, 2023

  • Adjust in Customer Info window.


Version 4.4.1 ADY April 18, 2023

  • New messages for cancel orders and download orders.
  • Adjust the Load Order window.
  • Export demand new field docERPCode.
  • Adjustment in the window for updating the exchange rate.


Version 4.4.1 ADX April 15, 2023

  • Improvements in the Discounts and Promotions windows.


Version 4.4.1 ADW April 14, 2023

  • Improvements in the Discounts and Promotions windows.


Version 4.4.1 ADV April 14, 2023

  • Improvements in the Discounts and Promotions windows.


Version 4.4.1 ADU April 10, 2023

  • Improvements in the filters of the Promotion window.
  • Improvements in the Discount window filters.


Version 4.4.1 ADT April 4, 2023

  • Improvements in the filters of the Promotion window.
  • Improvements in the Discount window filters.
  • Adjust VisitPlan window icons.
  • Additional filters in the login setup section of the Login window.
  • Additional filters in the crewSecurity section of the Crew/Profile window.


Version 4.4.1 ADS March 31, 2023

  • New functionality to import promotions.
  • Adjustments in the option to import Visit Plan.
  • Adjustments display many licenses.
  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 ADR March 29, 2023

  • Adjustment of labels in XSales® SFA Console.


Version 4.4.1 ADQ March 28, 2023

  • New Functionality to import discounts.
  • Adjust the Management Summary window.
  • Adjustment of the report “132-Service Report”.



Version 4.4.1 ADP March 28, 2023

  • Management Summary window adjustments.
  • Adjustment of the report “132-Service Report”.


Version 4.4.1 ADO March 21, 2023

  • XSales® SFA Console tag settings.
  • Adjustments in the Management Summary window.


Version 4.4.1 ADN March 10, 2023

  • Adjustments in report filters.
  • Adjustments search by date.


Version 4.4.1 ADM March 7, 2023

  • Adjustments when creating a route.


Version 4.4.1 ADL March 6, 2023

  • Adjustments in the order management functionality.


Version 4.4.1 ADK March 3, 2023

  • Export demand new field docERPCode.


Version 4.4.1 ADJ February 24, 2023

  • Adjust in Template Information Type.


Version 4.4.1 ADI February 14, 2023

  • Adjustment when saving survey-question.
  • Adjust to the report “132 – Service Report”.
  • Additional filters to the path and branch selection window.


Version 4.4.1 ADH February 14, 2023

  • Improvements in General/InfoType tables.


Version 4.4.1 ADG February 13, 2023

  • Improvements in the search for tags and messages.
  • Improvements when creating and deleting in the tags window.


Version 4.4.1 ADF February 6, 2023

  • Improvements in the search for tags and messages.


Version 4.4.1 ADE February 1, 2023

  • Improvements in the search for tags and messages.
  • Technical Adjustments.


Version 4.4.1 ADD January 30, 2023

  • New filter in the Management Summary report to show uncancelled/canceled transactions.


Version 4.4.1 ADC January 30, 2023

  • New functionality for tag and message search.


Version 4.4.1 ADB January 27, 2023

  • Improvements in the configuration of portfolios.


Version 4.4.1 ADA January 23, 2023

  • Improvements in the Management Summary report to view transactions.


Version 4.4.1 ACZ January 19, 2023

  • Collection improvements. Being able to define the payment methods for account payments.


Version 4.4.1 ACY January 18, 2023

  • Adjustments to the Management Summary report.


Version 4.4.1 ACX January 16, 2023

  • Improvements in the display of multimedia files.


Version 4.4.1 ACW January 13, 2023

  • Improvements in the filters of the Management Summary.


Version 4.4.1 ACU January 12, 2023

  • Improvements in the filters applied to the management summary.


Version 4.4.1 ACT January 11, 2023

  • Improvements in the counters were applied to the management summary.


Version 4.4.1 ACS January 10, 2023

  • Incorporation of the new logo.


Version 4.4.1 ACR January 9, 2023

  • Improvements in the 313 report of means of payment.


Version 4.4.1 ACQ January 6, 2023

  • Improvements in the catalog creation functionality.


Version 4.4.1 ACP January 6, 2023

  • Improvements in the functionality of creating periods.


Version 4.4.1 ACN January 4, 2023

  • Improvements in the functionality of price lists.


Version 4.4.1 ACM January 4, 2023

  • Improvements in the Management Summary window – Deposits.


Version 4.4.1 ACL January 2, 2023

  • Improvements in the 313 Payments report.
  • Sync monitor screen improvements.